
The safety of your employees is at the forefront of our company’s list of values.

Download and distribute our MSDS.

Important information

The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that provides information on a controlled product, both in terms of toxic effects and protective measures to prevent overexposure or chemical hazards, and procedures to be followed in an emergency. A controlled product is a hazardous material that meets the hazard criteria defined in the Controlled Products Regulations. The information provided in the MSDS complements that found on the label of a controlled product. The MSDS is transmitted by the supplier to the employer at the time of sale of the product. It must be available in both French and English, kept in the workplace by the employer, in a place known to the workers and must be easily and quickly accessible to those who may be in contact with the product.

To download the MSDS of some products, please click on the corresponding link: